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Parece que esto de la crisis está desatando toda una hornada de discazos en este 2009. Lo nuevo de Agathodaimon, “Phoenix”, aunque ya muy alejados del black, es lo mejor que han hecho en su carrera.
Para los que quieran escuchar lo bien que suena el black metal cantado en latin este genial “Tristetea vehementa” de su “Blacken angel” :snakeman:
Viata Dormiteaza Germinind Si-O Simt In Jur Universala
Intr-o Nesfirsita Oboseala Si-n Absenta Ultimului Cind
Iar Taina Aerului Otravit Intr-un Inceput De-nnoptare
Alacelui Orizont Nemarginit Adoarme Fara Desteptare
My ruined world’s denying the earthly time
Drained of all emotions… Immortality: be now mine!
My ruined dreams – remains of tortured years
Who will be left to wipe away my bitter tears?
Words of sorrow… sail,
Travelling on cold winds
Words of tranquility… fail,
Dancing on my wounded lips
I’m dying mostly alone within life’s thin disguise
And I can’t tame the blood
And the heart THEY have baptized
The scars burn deeply into my soul
My smile has lost its brilliance
My words become so trivial…
Loosing all desire, loosing all, but pride.
..Caci demult, aici, la marginea vietii
Sub lumina siderala, nu mai traiesc in timp …
Iar calendarul a reintrat in forma lui astrala
“Te vad, Te aud, te cuget,
Tinara si dulce veste, dintr-un cer cu-alte stele
cu alte vise si alti zei”
..Pe drumuri delirind, pe-o vreme de toamna
Ma urmareste-un Gind, Ce ma-ndeamna:
“Dispari cit mai curind!”
..Caci visu-mi mu-i un dis pamintesc!
My ruined world’s grasping for a mystic thought
Though the soul’s already tired of search
My ruined dreams – Out of reach
And the hopeless soul keeps on waiting,
For whom? But who’s to know?